Monday, June 21, 2010

Manitoba Mosquitoes

The bane of our existence in Manitoba is the vast mosquito population here, that and the viciously cold winters... Even though the weather is quite nice for playing outside, I dread leaving the house with the kids... especially after it rains. Every step in the grass raises another cloud of mosquitoes. If you stand still or move too slowly for more than 2 seconds you end up with a swarm on your legs, arms, and around your face.

We celebrated my grandmothers birthday this weekend with a bbq. They sprayed the backyard, but the bugs were still pretty bad. I didn't want to take Keira outside in the bugs so I ended up staying inside for almost the entire time. I can't put bug spray on a 2 month old, and she's not happy sitting in her car seat with the bug net over it for long periods of time, so it was either hang out outside swatting myself and my baby, or stay indoors. Poor Kian has a rash of bug bites from playing outside there... not my idea of a nice summer no matter what the weather is.

Just one more reason to look forward to our move to Victoria... significantly fewer mosquitoes.

1 comment:

Longing for Home said...

Wow congrats on the move to Victoria! It is supposedly an awesome place to live : )

I read about some 'natural' ways to be rid of mosquitoes, like wearing certain essential oils or something, but I don't know if a full bath in essential oils could counteract Manitoba mosquitoes! I would be toast as if there is one mosquito in a 10 mile radius, it can find me :)