Tuesday, April 22, 2008

less than 2 months to go...

Okay, so I don't know exactly how many days it is until my due date, but I know it's less than 2 months at this point. The baby moves almost constantly these days - it's very very distracting. I'm large and clumsy and waddle around. I can't sleep through the whole night anymore because I have to get up at least once or twice to empty my shrinking bladder. I can't see my feet and it's about time to clip my toenails and I'm not sure exactly how I will manage it.

Aside from all the uncomfortable-nesses, I'm excited to be getting closer to my due date and to my maternity leave. I'd like to meet this little creature that has been squirming around in my belly these past number of months.

Monday, April 14, 2008