Tuesday, May 25, 2010

1 Month and Counting

Time has gone so quickly lately. It's hard to believe that Keira is already over a month old. Kian is such a great big brother, he's always giving kisses and trying to share things with the baby.

Life is busy with the kids and trying to finish up renovating our place, while packing to move out to Victoria. We've got about a month and a half until we leave. We're both excited about what lies ahead, but sad too about leaving family and friends behind (we think more of you should be moving out west with us!)

We'll be moving into family housing on the UVic campus where Erick will be going to school. I'll be home with both kids when we get out there so it will be a lot busier around the house than it is for me now with just Keira to tend to. I'm hoping to find another mom or two to do a childcare share at least 1 or 2 mornings a week. Kian will need to get to know the other kids in the family complex, he's so used to having full days at daycare that being home everyday with just me and Keira would be boring for him.

But before we go, we're trying to see family and friends as much as possible in between all of the other things that need to get done. 2 weekends ago we were up north at Erick's folks place and last weekend I took the kids to my parents. Kian loves all the outdoors time, both sets of grandparents have more outdoor space than we have here in the city.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Our Little Girl, the birth story.

So, I wasn't completely sure if i was in labour on Sunday afternoon (Apr 11th). Since last time I never noticed my water break, my doc said that if I wasn't sure that I should go into the hospital and get checked out if I suspected it had happened. So that's what we did. It turns out that my water had broken during the night. So I was admitted that afternoon even though nothing seemed to be happening.

I got some medication to hopefully start things moving along. We watched a couple of movies, went for coffee at the Tim's in the hospital lobby, and then tried to get a little sleep. All of a sudden the nursing staff descended on our room, apparently the baby's heart rate had dipped dangerously.

From that point on things moved very quickly. I was whisked off to the operating room for an emergency c-section. It would have been scary but things happened too fast to really think about anything. Baby Keira came out wailing at 12:45 am on April 12th. As soon as we heard her we knew she was just fine!

So now we're all at home and enjoying life with our 2 little ones.


So it's been awhile since I posted... a few updates for you:

- My thesis is finally finished! I am graduating this spring and my convocation date is June 3.
- I had my little girl on April 12th via emergency c-section. She's doing great!
- E has been accepted into the MBA program at UVictoria so we'll be moving west in July.
- Our basement reno is still in progress and we also have some reno's to do in the main level in order to have everything ready to rent out when we leave town.

More details on the little girl to follow!