Friday, September 28, 2007

Allergy Season

Pretty picture of a wheat field right? Not to me. This picture exemplifies the horrors of fall, the season of sneezing and dripping noses, backed up sinuses, and desperate purchases of over-the-counter medications.
Yep, allergy season. I hate it. It would be okay if it were really only fall. But it's not. Not for me. There is a brief respite in the middle of the coldest winter where I don't suffer from allergy symptoms. But from early spring to late fall I have to be medicated in order to function.
It sucks. And it's expensive. And I still haven't found a medication that works perfectly, so it's like having a bit of a cold for 10 months of the year.
So if you don't have allergies, or if you don't have a cold for 10 months out of the year, count yourself fortunate.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Things I love about Fridays

  • Fridays are usually less work intensive at the office. Lots of visiting.
  • When I go home on Friday after work, I don't have to go back for two whole days.
  • Friday starts with an 'F'. None of the other days start with an 'F'.
  • Sometimes I go home a little early, especially if I've put in some extra time during the rest of the week. Going home early is a lovely treat!
  • I don't have to make a bag lunch on Friday night.
  • Sometimes I spend the last hour of my workday just organizing my desk. Trust me, it needs at least an hour.
  • I never do homework on Friday nights.
  • Sometimes we go out for drinks after work with some of my hubby's fellow interns. They're a great bunch o' people.
  • I never actually fully wake up on Friday morning, so my whole day tends to be a pleasant blur of relative inaction.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Where I Would Rather Be

Right now, I can't think of anywhere I would rather be than sitting on a beach by the ocean, sipping on yummy cocktails.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Exploring the Neighborhood

It is amazing what going for a couple of walks does for making you feel at home in your neighborhood. We now live in the building on the left in the above photo. It is a short walk down to the Forks and we can access the river walk from the park across the street from our building as well.
As much as I complain about Winnipeg, I really do like our part of the city. Sure it's a bit dirty, the garbage cans along the river walk are seldom emptied, the bus stops in the area are frequently vandalized, and there is an interesting and fragrant population of individuals who live in the park across the street. But, I like the city noise at night (even the entertaining drunken brawls), I like being walking distance from so many interesting spots, and I like living in a central location.
I even like our building - mostly. I like that there is an indoor pool, hot tub and steam room. I like that I can walk to our fitness club without going outside. I like that there is a little grocery mart on the first floor that has movies for rent.
As much as I'd rather live in dozens of other places, our spot isn't the worst place to be in the meantime.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Ode to Unemployment

I wish I was unemployed
I wish I was unemployed with a steady income
Someone should pay me not to work
Work is over-rated
Who will pay me to stop working
Maybe I should just go home

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Talk Like a Pirate Day

September 19th is Talk Like a Pirate Day. You can find out more about this festive event at:
I would love to hear how you plan to celebrate!