Friday, December 28, 2007

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Well, this past year has been full of changes for me. E & I bought a condo, moved in, renovated it completely, sold it, moved out, moved into an apartment, and then moved into a larger apartment down the hall. (What's my address again?!) And, purchased a house for the purposes of renovating it.

I also moved into my job on a full time, permanent basis - yay for the benefits and vacation time I now get. I just finished off all of my classes for my Masters degree - just the thesis left. And, we found out that we're going to have a baby!

I fully expect that this next year will have many more changes - especially with a baby on the way. We're really looking forward to see what this next year has in store. It's nice to have the time over the holiday break to reflect on all of this and to be with family and friends.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Thoughts on the holiday season

There are things I like about the holiday season and things I don't like. I thought I'd make a little list!

I really like that I get time off.

I don't like shopping ever, and I like shopping even less when there are billions of other people cramming into tiny stores in the mall.

I like all of the yummy food.

I don't like that there is a ridiculous, wasteful, gluttonous amount of food.

I like the 'christmas' oranges.

I don't like the cold weather.

I like seeing family at all of our gatherings.

I don't like having to juggle family gathering schedules.

I like the christmas tree lights and cinnamin candles.

I don't like that it's dark for more than 12 hours every day.

I like that I have time off.

I don't like that my break has to end.

I'm sure if I sat and thought about it more, I could think of more things that I like and maybe a few more that I don't like. Regardless, I intend to make the most of my time off and enjoy my family and my time off.

Did I mention that I like the time off I get at Christmas?!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

House Renovation Project #2

So, we've already been into the house and are well into the 'destruction' phase. Before I post pictures of the royal mess we've made, here are the before pictures...

Friday, December 7, 2007


Yesterday E & I heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time. It was very cool!

Oh, if you didn't already know... I'm pregnant! The due date is June 10, but even I know that baby's don't work according to our preferred schedules.

I finally informed my work colleagues this week. So now it's public knowledge.

Sigh, plus my pants don't fit, some of my shirts don't fit, but I'm not quite big enough for mat clothing. And I have to go to the bathroom, again!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Minus 37 degrees

Last weekend, E & I went to MEC to buy long underwear in preparation for what is expected to be the coldest Winnipeg winter in years. But today, that long underwear was just not enough.

Today, I broke out the ski pants for the first time this winter. I know it won't be the last time, but I was hoping to hold out until after the Christmas break. So much for that.

As I stood outside at my bus stop, the one I transfer buses at, I thought about how much I hate winter. My bus stop has a heated shelter but I can't wait inside it. Why not? Because it stinks like urine and other unidentifiable but equally unpleasant smells.

So that leaves me ample time to stand outside in -37 degree weather thinking about how much Winnipeg winters make me go crazy. I'm counting down until the day we leave for a warmer climate. Somehow flooding, mudslides, and boiling your water doesn't seem as awful as 5 months of freezing!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Three cheers!

This is a momentous evening for me. Tonight marks the last class of my last course for my masters degree. After tonight, there are no more classes to go to. No more evenings where I'm stuck at the university until 9pm. No more assignments and readings...

Well, that's not entirely true. I have one last assignment to finish for the class. Just a little 20-30page paper. And after that, it is just one thesis to write. One little 75-100 page paper, based on original research, and a literature review of countless other studies.

But that's not what is important tonight. Tonight, I'm celebrating being done a significant portion of my degree.

Three cheers for the end of my education. I've pretty much had enough. Any more and I might be unemployable!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Dozing at Lunch

I'm soooo sleepy today! I nearly fell asleep on my lunch break. Now I'm back at my desk and am no more awake than I was before. In fact, work makes me even sleepier. Do you think anyone would notice if I fell asleep at my desk? Probably, I do share an office and we do keep the door open most of the time.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Ahh Fridays

Sweet Fridays, oh how I love thee!

Too bad that my weekend is marred by a workshop all day Saturday for my class. Oh well, can't be avoided.

Have I mentioned that we're moving? Not to the house we purchased though. Our neighbors down the hall are moving out, and we're moving into their place. They have quite a bit more space, a second bathroom, and a much larger storage closet. So, in about a week and a half, we'll be dragging all of our belongings about 20 feet down the hallway and into the apartment on the other side. We're not even going to bother packing.

Back to my love of Fridays... well, I'd love them even more if I had

Fridays off. Then I would also love Thursdays more because they would be my new Friday.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


After a month of waiting, our offer on a house in St.Norbert has finally been accepted. Our possession date is December 1st.

Then begins the process of tearing down, building up, tiling, painting, drywalling, carpet installing, cleaning, and so on. I'm rather looking forward to our next few months working on this house.

I'll be sure to take pictures of our progress along the way.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Waiting for news

So, E & I put an offer in on a house last week. Our plan: to renovate it and sell it for profit. Sadly, getting a response from the homeowners is taking a ridiculous amount of time.

Nobody else wants this house. It's ugly. They've overpriced it. They attempted to make some improvements which actually made things worse. They are unlikely to get another offer anytime soon.

I don't really see what the hold up is.

Hopefully soon we'll be well into our next project.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

My paper weekend

This weekend has mainly been occupied with writing a paper which is due on Tuesday. I now have approximately 2000 words written. The assignment sheet says no more than 4000 words. I would like to know if there is a 'no less than' number that I can stop at. 2000 is definitely no more than 4000 but is it enough?

I guess the most likely answer would be, did I cover the material necessary and is my analysis complete? Sadly, not yet.

Sigh, I know what I'll be doing tomorrow evening.

I really can't wait until this is all over.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


That about sums it up. Bleahhh!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I'll Edit Mine if You Edit Yours

At the start of each course I receive a syllabus outlining what will be covered, what assignments to expect, and how everything will be graded. Without fail, my dear professors state that they will deduct marks for spelling and grammar errors. And without fail, I find spelling and grammar errors in their course syllabi.

In silent protest, I take a red pen and circle their errors. I have no way of deducting marks for their faulty spelling and grammar. One day I will anonymously return one of these corrected documents to the professor, but for now I will meekly hand in my own, rigorously edited, papers.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

My Crocs

Not long ago I caved to the pressure exerted by my dear partner and purchased a pair of crocs. I didn't want to. They are horrifically ugly shoes. They come in terrible colours. The style makes your feet look fat.

Still, I caved.

I am ashamed to admit it. But, I love my crocs. I refuse to wear them out of our apartment because of their hideousness. But they are sooooo comfortable. They are the most comfortable shoes I have ever owned.

If you have ever gone downhill skiing for a day, and, after wearing heavy ski boots for hours on end, put on your regular shoes and thought, wow, these shoes have never felt so light and comfortable, then you have an idea of how comfortable crocs can be.

So, no regrets about buying crocs. But I still don't want to be seen in public wearing them. Comfort is fine and good. But ugly shoes are ugly shoes!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Night Class

Every Wednesday night I have class. Since I work at the same university that I take the course at, it means I get here for work just before 8:30 am and leave after class shortly after 9:00pm.
I'd rather just go home. But, this is the last class I have to finish for my Masters degree. It will be done in December. Then I have to decide if I will write a thesis or do a practicum. I should decide that soon.
I can hardly wait to be completely finished with my degree. It's been a long stretch of taking courses without a break. Especially since I work full time.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Allergy Season

Pretty picture of a wheat field right? Not to me. This picture exemplifies the horrors of fall, the season of sneezing and dripping noses, backed up sinuses, and desperate purchases of over-the-counter medications.
Yep, allergy season. I hate it. It would be okay if it were really only fall. But it's not. Not for me. There is a brief respite in the middle of the coldest winter where I don't suffer from allergy symptoms. But from early spring to late fall I have to be medicated in order to function.
It sucks. And it's expensive. And I still haven't found a medication that works perfectly, so it's like having a bit of a cold for 10 months of the year.
So if you don't have allergies, or if you don't have a cold for 10 months out of the year, count yourself fortunate.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Things I love about Fridays

  • Fridays are usually less work intensive at the office. Lots of visiting.
  • When I go home on Friday after work, I don't have to go back for two whole days.
  • Friday starts with an 'F'. None of the other days start with an 'F'.
  • Sometimes I go home a little early, especially if I've put in some extra time during the rest of the week. Going home early is a lovely treat!
  • I don't have to make a bag lunch on Friday night.
  • Sometimes I spend the last hour of my workday just organizing my desk. Trust me, it needs at least an hour.
  • I never do homework on Friday nights.
  • Sometimes we go out for drinks after work with some of my hubby's fellow interns. They're a great bunch o' people.
  • I never actually fully wake up on Friday morning, so my whole day tends to be a pleasant blur of relative inaction.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Where I Would Rather Be

Right now, I can't think of anywhere I would rather be than sitting on a beach by the ocean, sipping on yummy cocktails.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Exploring the Neighborhood

It is amazing what going for a couple of walks does for making you feel at home in your neighborhood. We now live in the building on the left in the above photo. It is a short walk down to the Forks and we can access the river walk from the park across the street from our building as well.
As much as I complain about Winnipeg, I really do like our part of the city. Sure it's a bit dirty, the garbage cans along the river walk are seldom emptied, the bus stops in the area are frequently vandalized, and there is an interesting and fragrant population of individuals who live in the park across the street. But, I like the city noise at night (even the entertaining drunken brawls), I like being walking distance from so many interesting spots, and I like living in a central location.
I even like our building - mostly. I like that there is an indoor pool, hot tub and steam room. I like that I can walk to our fitness club without going outside. I like that there is a little grocery mart on the first floor that has movies for rent.
As much as I'd rather live in dozens of other places, our spot isn't the worst place to be in the meantime.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Ode to Unemployment

I wish I was unemployed
I wish I was unemployed with a steady income
Someone should pay me not to work
Work is over-rated
Who will pay me to stop working
Maybe I should just go home

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Talk Like a Pirate Day

September 19th is Talk Like a Pirate Day. You can find out more about this festive event at:
I would love to hear how you plan to celebrate!

Thursday, August 30, 2007


And sold to the highest bidder!

We received 7 offers and made about $10,000 more than I thought we would!

Now we're looking for the next property to renovate.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Offers tonight!

We'll be accepting offers tonight on our fabulous condo. We are also having our furniture moved (by a moving company) tonight. So its going to be a busy evening.

Sadly, I feel really yukky today. Kind of nauseous. It might be nerves, excitement, or just something I ate. Not sure. In any case, I hope I feel better this evening.

That's all for now, I'll post again when we know how much money we've made on our 'flip'.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Almost Finished

The past two weeks have been rather crazy. We've been working into the wee hours of the night to get everything done on our renovation. As of today, it is very nearly finished. All we have left to do is finish painting the bedroom and bathroom doors and put on the new door knobs.

Our condo goes up on the market tomorrow. Our open house will be on Sunday, August 19th and we'll be taking offers on Monday, August 20th.

This has been a real marathon effort for Erick and I. My number one piece of advice to anyone considering renovating to sell. If it's a small space, DON'T LIVE IN IT WHILE RENOVATING!

In Progress...

Friday, July 13, 2007

Could it get any worse?!

So, we can use the tub now, assuming that the mud for tiles surrounding it is dry. However, there is still no shower and no kitchen sink. Which would be tolerable except for the sad fact that apparently we now also have no toilet for the duration of the weekend.

What moron contractor/plummer thinks that taking out the toilet at the end of the week and leaving things that way for the weekend is an acceptable way to work on a job?! It's not like we have a second bathroom!

Camping would be more luxurious than this! I may not go home after work... I might just sleep in my office. There are couches in our lounge, and a kitchenette in the adjoining aboriginal student's lounge, bathrooms down the hall, and showers a few buildings over. All I need is a pillow.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

still no tub, no shower and no kitchen sink...

going to the gross, disgusting university gym showers so that i don't start to stink


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Help me... no tub, no shower, no kitchen sink...

Friday, July 6, 2007

Living in Chaos

** Photos coming soon **

Spent 2 nights in a hotel this week while the bathroom and kitchen are being renovated. The bathroom and kitchen are still being renovated but am back in the condo nonetheless.

Hopefully the tub will be hooked up by the time I get home from work. The shower won't be ready until next week sometime.

Half the kitchen will be installed over the weekend.

Construction chaos is all over the condo.

Slowly going crazy...

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Anti-Tourism Practices of Winnipeg

This weekend E and I visited the Exchange District in Winnipeg. It was Canada Day, the Winnipeg Jazz Festival was going strong, and there were scores of people filling the streets and market square. But people were not the only ones filling the streets of the Exchange District. A vile stench permeated the streets. The stench of rotting garbage.

As we walked along the streets of this otherwise beautiful historical district, we passed piles of overflowing garbage bags waiting for streetside pick up. How strange that the city had recently done away with the BFI bins. Every other less touristy, less scenic, business district has the bins.

And on a weekend when the population of pedestrians is at its peak for this neighborhood, why would the city of Winnipeg fail to arrange for garbage pick up. Is it possible that the city of Winnipeg is trying to rid itself of those pesky tourists? Does the city of Winnipeg feel that since the residents of this place have to endure the frigid cold, they need to devise some kind of testing for tourists as well?

To me it seems like ridiculously bad business practice, but who am I to question the grand scheme of our esteemed mayors office and his city council.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thoughts on Facebook

I got sucked in. I didn't want to do it, but after so many invites I started to feel bad about deleting them all. So I signed up for Facebook. It's rather pointless though. I'm never signed in. I refuse to use it to respond to emails. I don't want to respond to things on my 'wall' because I'm not sure how i feel about everyone being able to read everything that is there.

I have selected the highest level of security and won't allow my contact information to be shown to anyone but my friends. I am a little concerned about the lack of privacy on facebook. I've heard the horror stories of people's lives being 'ruined', usually by a bunch of unrestrained, viciously petty children. I would advise everyone to avoid them.

On the other hand, it has been cool to find out where some of my 'long lost's' are these days. I do like to check in to see what they are doing in life. Not that I have time to keep in touch even though i now know where they are and how to contact them.

Sadly, Facebook makes me feel old and cranky. Whatever happened to the good ol' days of chatting on msn, sending emails, and blogging. I suppose change is inevitable and I should just accept it. But I refuse to give up my email, my msn, or my blog. Take that all of you Facebook junkies!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Mosquito Season

Yesterday evening I paced up and down the street, waving my arms sporadically through the air. I tried sitting on a bench but couldn't remain there comfortably without frequently slapping myself.
Yes, mosquito season has begun. No more sitting or standing still outside in the evenings (or mornings) without being slathered in a smelly, slimey layer of bug spray.
We now resemble a society of crazies, waving our arms in the air, slapping ourselves, slapping our friends, and cursing randomly. Don't worry folks, it will pass eventually, when it starts to snow again.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Dreaming of Turkey

I can't wait to take a vacation. I've been sending students overseas for nearly 3 year and in that time, I have only travelled off the continent once (my honeymoon on a resort in the Dominican Republic). Which may not seem like such a big deal for some people, but I've got the travel bug and it's really starting to call out for some attention.
My latest dream destination is the Republic of Turkey. Ahhh the history, the architecture, the markets, the beautiful Mediterranean coast... If only I could pack my bags and be off in the morning.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

More Random Thoughts...

I sat outside for my lunch break today. It was pretty hot out there. I found a nice vacant bench in the shade. The problem with eating lunch outside is that you know exactly what kind of a beautiful day you're missing once you have to go back inside to work.

Computers don't reduce paper in the office. They probably just make more of it.

I'm drinking a diet Dr.Pepper. I love Dr.Pepper.

The lilacs on the grounds where I work smell like they are rotting. Is that what they're supposed to smell like?

I have a presentation to do in class tonight. I forgot to print my paper off at home before I left this morning. I'm going to have to wing it.

My left foot itches.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Winnipeg Airport

The Winnipeg Airport is very small. The Hamilton Airport is smaller. Last week I flew directly to the Minneapolis Airport from the Winnipeg Airport. I had to go through customs in Winnipeg.

There is nothing to do in the area where you wait for international flights after going through customs. There isn't even a television.

If you are going to fly internationally from Winnipeg and can possibly wait until the last minute before going through customs, you should wait.

I should have waited. I could have purchased a book, coffee, and a nice breakfast. But I didn't wait. I had 8 different books to choose from. The coffee wasn't that great either.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Crazy Busy

I'm not sure what has possessed me to allow things to get this busy. Work is busy - I'm attending a conference Monday to Friday next week, which will be followed up by an all day Saturday event, which will be immediately followed (that night) by Erick's gallery show. Then on Sunday, I will be joining an afternoon tour (for the same people the Saturday event is for) of the city. Then, Monday and Tuesday (no time off work yet) will be filled with meetings (again for the same people as Saturday and Sunday).

Sandwiched around all of that activity is my midterm exam on Friday (this Friday not the next one) and a class presentation on either Tuesday or Thursday during the week after the conference. Not sure when I'm going to study for the exam or prepare the presentation.

Then there is the ongoing renovation of our condo. Which Erick is doing most of the work on because I have to do my homework somewhere in the midst of all of this. I can't wait until July when my class is over and our condo (hopefully) is finished.

Well, I'm off to the library for the one and a half hours between work and class.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Monday, May 14, 2007

My Coffee Consumption

Every morning when I arrive at work, I stop on the 3rd floor (my office is on the 5th) to purchase a tall fair trade coffee for $1.25. I add cream (not milk) and 1 1/2 sugars. Then I make my way up (the elevator) to my office.

I enjoy my coffee. But I never manage to finish it before it gets cold. Then I have to go microwave it. Even with the microwaving I still usually have a bit left over that will remain in the cup on the counter beside my desk.

The next day I will go through my coffee routine all over again. And at the end of my next day I will have another cup of left over coffee on the counter beside my desk. By the end of the week I might have 5 cups lined up on the counter.

I know what the solution to this is. In fact, there are 2 excellent solutions to this. Well, probably 3, but the first 2 are the best ones.

Solution #1. I could use an insulated travel mug. That way I wouldn't waste paper cups (don't freak out folks - they are recyclable) AND my coffee would stay warm (theoretically). It usually doesn't stay warm and I can't microwave my metal travel mug for obvious reasons.

Solution #2. I could use a regular mug and keep it on the mug warmer on my desk (I have a mug warmer). The problem with this solution is that I would have to wash my mug every day AND have it with me when I come to work (sounds like too much effort).

Solution #3. I could just throw out my partial cups of coffee at the end of each day. Not a brilliant solution but potentially the least work intensive and most convenient.

I should probably go with the 1st or 2nd solution shouldn't I?

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Renovation Update

The hardwood flooring is finished. The new couch and new bed have arrived.

This week we'll be moving out of the bedroom and into the living/dining room so that we can knock down the bathroom/bedroom wall. We want to expand the bathroom. The bedroom is so freakishly huge that it won't matter if we lose a few feet off of one end!

Currently working on installing the kitchen lighting - a bigger project than you may think; installing the entrance closet door - also a bigger project than one would expect; and removing kitchen cabinet doors.

This afternoon we'll be going to Rona (again) to pick up new drill bits, ceramic tile for the kitchen floors, transition strips for between the tile and hardwood, and whatever else we may suddenly realize we need!

New round of photos coming soon!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Stray Thoughts

The women's washroom on my floor at work is room 506. Instead of saying I have to go to the washroom, I can say "I have a meeting in room 506."

I had a 3 Muskateers chocolate bar at lunch today. It wasn't as good as I remember they used to be.

I have 1 pair of skates (ice) and 3 pairs of shoes under my desk at work. This doesn't include the pair of shoes that I am currently wearing, which are on my feet and also under my desk.

Coffee is never as good after you've had to microwave it 3 times.

It feels like Friday today - only I still have 2 more days of work left in the week. So it only kind of feels like Friday. A Friday where you have to work for the rest of the weekend.

Spider plants are really ugly. Probably because they look like spiders - which are also ugly.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Turn Signal Lights

Let's review. Your turn signal light (when used properly) indicates to other drivers the direction in which you intend to turn.

When you intend to turn left or move into the left lane, use your left turn signal light.

When you intend to turn right or move into the right lane, use your right turn signal light.

If you do not know how to operate your right or left turn signal lights, then you damn well shouldn't be allowed to drive at all! If you are too lazy to use your right or left turn signal lights, again, stay the hell off the road.

You lazy stupid people are the cause of countless traffic (and pedestrian) accidents. You frustrate all of the other drivers who pay attention to turn signal lights as a means of determining their own driving decisions. Your actions may lead to injury, death, road rage, a mass migration of good drivers into other provinces/countries.

I beg you, learn to use your turn signal lights. Only you can save the lives of countless innocent people and help to keep good drivers from leaving Manitoba permanently.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Messy Desk

Every day I look at my desk and think, "today I will clean this mess up!" I clean some of it up every day. Really, I do. Honest. But it never gets better.

Occasionally I put everything on a pile or two, but the second I have to find an item on one of those piles, my semblence of neatness is destroyed.

I have a very large desk and a significant amount of counter space as well. There is room to have a place for every single item on my desk. There is no good reason for my mess. It disturbs my focus.

I might need professional help.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


The living/dining room is painted. The bedroom is painted. The carpeting in the living/dining room has been removed. The electric outlets & covers are now all the same colour (white).

The kitchen cabinets have been ordered. The appliances have been ordered (stainless steel). The hardwood flooring has been ordered (cherry).

Waiting for permission from the condo board to tear out the kitchen wall. Waiting to hear from the condo management company about how other people have renovated their bathrooms.

Photos: coming soon!

Monday, March 5, 2007

Post-Moving Pains

I might be the biggest wimp ever, or... moving may really be one of the most strenuous activities on earth!

We moved from a 3rd floor apartment (with no elevator) into a 3rd floor condo (with elevator). The stairs at the front end of our moved nearly killed me. Who in their right mind climbs up and down stairs for 3 hours straight?!

Day 1 after the move: hobbling, sore calves, sore everything else, whining, complaining etc...

Day 2 after the move: hobbling even worse, excruciatingly painful calves, sore everything else, whining, complaining. Refused to consume liquids all day because the bathroom was too far away to comfortably walk to. My co-workers told me I looked pathetic, like an old lady, needed a cane and so on.

Day 5 after the move (today): still a little sore, barely hobbling, consuming plenty of liquids just so I can get up and leave my desk frequently & legitimately!

Almost back to normal... except for the lingering paint fumes!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Moving Day

E & I purchased a condo recently. It's pink. Pink walls, pink carpet, gross left-behind pink shower curtain, pink tiles around the bathtub, my least favourite colour pink.

Thank heavens for paint!

We'll be moving all day on Wednesday. According to condo regulations, moving must take place on a weekday between the hours of 9am and 5pm. Which means that we, as 9-5 office job types, must take a day off work in order to move.

Once we've actually moved into the condo we'll have the joy of completely renovating it. No more pink among many other things! I'm looking forward to this new project of ours.

But first, the packing and the cleaning out of our present apartment.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

My Happy Place

After weeks of suffering -40 with windchill weather, I've begun to fantasize about all of the other places on earth that I could be enjoying warmer weather. I obsessively check the weather network website to see where I'd like to be. I also check to see how much longer I'll have to endure this bloody cold.

Forcasts for today:
Vancouver 8
Havana, Cuba 25
Paris, France 8
Tampa, Florida 16
Melborne, Australia 16
Rome, Italy 14
Alexandria, Egypt 16
Acapulco, Mexico 27
Lima, Peru 25
Winnipeg -36 (with windchill)

I could use a vacation!

Monday, January 29, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

2007 seems like an okay year so far, except for the cold weather. But every year starts out with really cold weather so perhaps I shouldn't let it colour my expectations for the rest of the year.

It's almost February, so most people will have had time by now to make and break most of their new year's resolutions. I, for one, refuse to make any new year's resolutions in the first place. Why cram all my failure into the first month or 2 of the year when I can make resolutions all year round and subsequently spread my failure to live up to those resolutions throughout the entire span of the year?

Besides, I'm already half-heartedly going to the gym 2-3 times a week (and am waiting for everyone to drop out on their exercise resolution so I can get back on the good gym equipment). I already try to eat healthy food more often than I eat junk food.

What's left to resolve?

I don't really want to be a nicer person. I'm happy with my procrastination habits. I feel no need to drink less alcohol (I don't drink that much to begin with). I don't need a better social life or a new group of friends. My house is clean enough as it is.

I think the whole new year's resolution thing is just a scam to make us think our lives aren't good enough as they are and to make us feel guilty about not trying harder.

So, I resolve to not change anything significant about my life. I resolve to keep on doing what I'm doing. I resolve to be as content as I feel like being on any given day. And, I resolve to forget about my resolutions so that I have no way of determining whether I've accomplished them or not, because it's really not all that important anyway.

What do you think? Any new, new year's resolutions coming to mind?

Thursday, January 4, 2007

why i love rick

Rick is smart and funny and eloquent and smart and funny and funny looking ...

Okay, so I might not be able to articulate exactly what I love about Rick. But I know that I've missed seeing him over the Christmas break and I'm really looking forward to watching him on Tuesday nights as soon as the season starts up again.

To get your Rick fix before he returns on Tuesday, January 9th, you can check out his website:

I usually rush home after my Tuesday night class to hang out with Rick (and my husband). What a great way to end an evening!