Friday, September 26, 2008

Another proposal draft done!

Yay! I finished yet another draft of my thesis proposal. Hopefully this will be the last one... I doubt it, but I always keep the hope! We are now at just over 9000 words. Over 10,000 if you count my ethics approval forms.

I'm meeting with my advisor on Oct 6th and am hoping that this will mean I can soon start my research... my people research as opposed to my literature research.

Knock on wood!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cute little stinker!

Have I mentioned the impressive amounts of laundry that a little creature such as this can generate? Yesterday... 3 shirts and 1 pair of pants (of mine), and 2 onesies, 1 sleeper, 3 spit rags, and 1 blanket all got impressively spit up on. I think E got through the day unscathed.

Today... more of the same!

And to add to the fun, K decided to fill his diaper (not pee) during the 45 minute window of time that my Doctor's appointment occurred in. Which meant having to cart home his very stinky diaper in a plastic bag.

Being a parent is seriously dirty business!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Back to the Thesis

This week I started back in on my thesis. I am starting to realize what a challenging journey it is going to be to get it finished. Two of the biggest challenges to overcome are time and motivation. 

My mom will be coming in once a week to help with entertaining baby K. That is a HUGE help, since babies (oddly enough) demand a lot of attention. Otherwise, I can plug away during naptimes and in the evenings. Of course, there are countless other things I also try to cram into naptimes, such as eating, showering, my naps, laundry, tidying up the apartment, exercising, and so on. And there are also other things to do in the evenings like hanging out with my husband, the odd night out with friends or family, going for walks, dinner, and any of the above items that weren't done during naptimes.

Then there is the motivation challenge. Other than the fact that I just want to get my degree over and done with, I'm not really all that excited to be working on school stuff again. But, I have gotten this far so there is no way I'm not going to finish it.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rolling Over

It's not consistant yet, but K can roll over. Most of the time, when we put him on his tummy he just whines. But this day he rolled over nearly 10 times in a row.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Trip to Vancouver

We just returned from a short trip to Vancouver. It was so great to be out there. We rented an apartment in the West End, only one block away from the beach. We walked everywhere along the sea walk (top picture). We hugely enjoyed the ocean fresh air and the chance to spend so much time outside. And we visited some family and good friends in and around the area.

One day we hope to move out to the west coast. Not necessarily downtown Vancouver - actually, definitely not downtown Vancouver. Really, anywhere we can find decent jobs would be totally acceptable.

Travelling with baby was also quite the experience. I learned how to breastfeed in public. I still don't really like to do it, but I can now without too much of a fuss. E mastered the diaper change in the stroller. And K behaved very nicely for our flights. All in all, it went pretty well.

It is nice to be back in our own space though. In spite of our space being here in Manitoba. But someday...