Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Three cheers!

This is a momentous evening for me. Tonight marks the last class of my last course for my masters degree. After tonight, there are no more classes to go to. No more evenings where I'm stuck at the university until 9pm. No more assignments and readings...

Well, that's not entirely true. I have one last assignment to finish for the class. Just a little 20-30page paper. And after that, it is just one thesis to write. One little 75-100 page paper, based on original research, and a literature review of countless other studies.

But that's not what is important tonight. Tonight, I'm celebrating being done a significant portion of my degree.

Three cheers for the end of my education. I've pretty much had enough. Any more and I might be unemployable!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Dozing at Lunch

I'm soooo sleepy today! I nearly fell asleep on my lunch break. Now I'm back at my desk and am no more awake than I was before. In fact, work makes me even sleepier. Do you think anyone would notice if I fell asleep at my desk? Probably, I do share an office and we do keep the door open most of the time.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Ahh Fridays

Sweet Fridays, oh how I love thee!

Too bad that my weekend is marred by a workshop all day Saturday for my class. Oh well, can't be avoided.

Have I mentioned that we're moving? Not to the house we purchased though. Our neighbors down the hall are moving out, and we're moving into their place. They have quite a bit more space, a second bathroom, and a much larger storage closet. So, in about a week and a half, we'll be dragging all of our belongings about 20 feet down the hallway and into the apartment on the other side. We're not even going to bother packing.

Back to my love of Fridays... well, I'd love them even more if I had

Fridays off. Then I would also love Thursdays more because they would be my new Friday.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


After a month of waiting, our offer on a house in St.Norbert has finally been accepted. Our possession date is December 1st.

Then begins the process of tearing down, building up, tiling, painting, drywalling, carpet installing, cleaning, and so on. I'm rather looking forward to our next few months working on this house.

I'll be sure to take pictures of our progress along the way.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Waiting for news

So, E & I put an offer in on a house last week. Our plan: to renovate it and sell it for profit. Sadly, getting a response from the homeowners is taking a ridiculous amount of time.

Nobody else wants this house. It's ugly. They've overpriced it. They attempted to make some improvements which actually made things worse. They are unlikely to get another offer anytime soon.

I don't really see what the hold up is.

Hopefully soon we'll be well into our next project.