Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Mighty Nail Gun

So, the latest portion of work that E&I have been occupied with on our house is drywalling. We hired a friend to help with the ceiling since I'm not really strong enough to lift that much. But the rest of it I can help with. It's been kinda fun seeing the walls go up.

We spent Saturday and Monday evening just doing drywall (Erick finished up the last of it yesterday evening.) Of course there are are always other things that interrupt, like framing in a doorway... which had to be done before the drywall could be completed in the downstairs 'office.'

Sadly, not all boards are as straight as you need them to be. So while E pushed and pulled them into place, I had to use the dreaded nail gun to ensure that they stayed in place.

Damn that stupid thing! You'd think that 1 pull of the trigger would release 1 nail. Right? That would make sense. But no... no such luck. It's like a nail machine gun... I pulled the trigger once and the nails kept coming... slowly moving upwards towards E's hand. The thought crossed my mind that I was about to permanently maim my poor husband's hand... but I managed to pull the nail gun back just in time.

The second attempt at nailing with that horrid machine released only 2 nails. Apparently you're supposed to pull & release the trigger at superhuman speeds. I'm not sure if anyone has noticed but I don't move at superhuman speeds for anything.

The bottom line is... I don't think I'm cut out to operate nail guns. Maybe with some practice. And most certainly without anyone's hands in my way. Then, maybe. But I'd still rather not have to use one.

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