Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Disturbing News

E & I get the Free Press on the weekends. This past weekend I read a little tidbit that I found deeply disturbing.

People who are caught driving drunk face additional penalties, especially when their drunk driving causes an accident. Drunkenness in this case, is considered a contributing factor to the 'crime' and punishment is increased accordingly.

In a 'recent' and brutal murder in this city, drunkenness was considered an excuse for the criminals to receive reduced sentences. A group of drunks viciously attacked a passerby and beat him to death, giving each other high fives throughout the process. In general, drunkenness might be (and often is) used as a defense in murder cases or assault cases.

These laws should be changed. A precedent needs to be set that holds the same level of accountability for violators in drunk driving cases as in drunk murder or drunken assault cases. Drunkenness should no longer be allowed to function as an excuse. What kind of society accepts "the licquor made me do it" as an acceptable defense for indefensible behaviours?

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