Friday, May 13, 2011

I'm Baaa-aack!

So it's been awhile since my last post. A lot has happened and nothing has happened. Does that make any sense?!

Erick finished up his semester and then went to China for 2 weeks for school. My parents came for a week visit while he was away. He is now settled into his summer coop position with the government. Hopefully gaining valuable contacts for a future career.

I continue to look for work to no avail. Well, mostly no avail. I'm not yet gainfully employed but I've managed to get a couple of interviews. I've signed on with a temp agency which doesn't pay much, but will hopefully start me on the road to gaining much needed local references.

I'm taking a memoir writing course and am awaiting copies of my grandmother's journals so that I can work on her memoir or biography, depending on what the journals are like (apparently there is a difference between the two!) I'm also thinking of volunteering with the Victoria Writers Society as an editorial assistant. I've written and sent off 2 children's stories to a local publisher. No word yet as it takes a loooooong time to hear back from them.

The kids are both mainly settled into a nearby daycare. Kian is growing up so quickly and keeps telling us that he is 'getting bigger.' Keira is resisting starting to walk. She's taken steps here and there already, but doesn't seem interested in doing more of it.

The weather is starting to warm up and we're having more days without rain. We've filled the water table on the back patio which entertains Kian until the point where he gets too wet or too cold to stay out there. And Keira is happy playing on her own for a surprising amount of time.

I am itching to get back into the workforce and hope it happens REALLY soon!

That's all for now. I will attempt to write more, not because I expect anything exciting to happen, but because I need to keep busy until I'm back to being employed.

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