Friday, June 12, 2009

Crazy Naked Lady next door!

So, when we first moved in our impression of our neighbor was that she was a little eccentric. We had purchased our home from her (it's a side by side and she used to rent out this side). We didn't know a lot about her. She's old. Her background seems to be eastern European. She's got a very strong accent so it requires some work to understand what she's saying. She's awake at odd hours (we can hear her banging around in the middle of the night.) She is a widow.

What we learned very quickly after moving in here. She had some major problems with the previous tenants of our place. She used to come out into their front yard and scream at them at six in the morning (according to another neighbor down the street.) She likes to garden. She lets us use her parking space in the back because she doesn't have a car and we don't have a parking spot yet.

Then we learned that her 'gardening' includes planting plastic flowers and setting potted plants around her flower gardens. When she comes out to garden, she wipes off her plastic & silk plants and rearranges them around the yard.

Then the noises she made at night got louder. Banging around (either cubbards or her cane) and some disgusting phlemy noises. (I wake up at night thinking it's Kian, but it's not. She's that loud.)

Then yesterday late afternoon, I realized that she must be hovering somewhere beyond the eccentric border and into crazyland. She often gardens in her housecoat and socks (and pajama's underneath.) Yesterday, she was out in nothing but a light parka. And by nothing, I mean nothing... The parka was long enough to cover her butt while she was standing. However, when she bent over to pull weeds, we had to close the curtains! Seriously, nothing on but the parka. Not even socks, not even underwear.... nothing.


I wonder what happens when it finally warms up around here?!


Kristen said...

Oh. My.

Definetly beyond the border of eccentric and on into crazy town.

I wonder if this will progress to something...uh...more? :P

Longing for Home said...

ok, THAT is public nudity and corrupting a minor (ok kian is too young to be affected?) those are criminal offences... here is a link to the criminal code

but seriously, that's awful! i am so sorry you have to deal with that... maybe it's time that power of attorney went to a relative or the province. I guess it comes down to keeping a written record of reportable occurrences, and if it gets to be too much for you to be happy in your own home, then you have to contact the authorities with your records at the ready.

I bet with your social work education you know who to call about something like that?

blessings to you & here's to quiet nights and clothed neighbours!

Julie said...

Yikes is right. I'm having flashbacks to the video accompanying the audio I finished transcribing recently. Maybe don't leave the kiddie pool out when it warms up, so as not to encourage skinny dipping.

It's a nice surprise to find out about your blog.