Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

It has been quite the year for E and I. We started off 2008 with the purchase of a house in the south end of Winnipeg to renovate and sell. I was still working full time and getting started on my thesis proposal at that time. Both the house and my thesis proposal were finished by the time my due date was (thank goodness!)

K was born on June 21st and what a huge change that brought to our lives! E took the first 8 weeks off with me. K is doing great and is quite a happy little guy much of the time.

We took a trip to BC to visit friends and family in September. We are still hoping to move out to the west coast within the next couple of years. Winter in Winnipeg seems to get colder and more miserable every year. Of course, being on maternity leave this winter means I'm not forced to go out there every day!

Now we are ending off our year with the purchase of another house to renovate (we're working on it with some friends of ours) and a trip to Winnipegosis to visit family. My thesis proposal has been approved and the ethics board has approved my research.

In January I'll start my research and I hope to be finished with collecting questionnaires and doing interviews before I go back to work in April. We also hope to be done our house renovation by that time. I'd like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope your year will be filled with wonderful things!

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