Wednesday, November 5, 2008

And Winter Comes

The leaves have all fallen from the trees. A few hardy flowers still bloom, but the cold at night will soon cause them to dry up. There is a chill in the wind that blows right through the layers of clothing I put on. I'm avoiding pulling out my winter jacket even though it is more appropriate for the temperature today.

I dread the coming of winter each year. The bitter cold gets under my skin and for the next six or more months I will be unable to completely warm up. The hot tub in our building helps. Cups of coffee, tea, and hot chocolate help too. But nothing completely takes away the knowledge in my bones that the world has frozen over.

This year I am home with K for the winter. I am not sure how my experience of winter in Winnipeg will be this time around. It will be harder to force myself to get outside, get some fresh, yet cold, air. I will have the option of going outside during the daylight hours, but will I want to?

I am deeply thankful that the warmish fall weather has persisted this long. Usually the fall season is much too short to properly enjoy. Maybe this year I can attempt to enjoy winter as well.

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