Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Two Children

You may think that I only have one child, but in truth, right now I have two of them. I call them Morning K and Evening K. Or, I could call them Happy K and Cranky K. Two distinct personalities all in one tiny little body.

Morning K might let out the occasional cry when he's hungry or his diaper is dirty. Evening K doesn't need a reason to wail. Morning K coos and makes sweet little noises when he's happy. Evening K grunts or wimpers at a lower volume at his happiest.

Thank goodness Evening K only visits us for a relatively short period of time. Yesterday, Evening K was around from about 7:30pm until midnight-ish.

It's amazing how different my two little babies are from one another. I don't really enjoy Evening K all that much. He's not as cute as Morning K is.

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