Saturday, October 6, 2007

My Crocs

Not long ago I caved to the pressure exerted by my dear partner and purchased a pair of crocs. I didn't want to. They are horrifically ugly shoes. They come in terrible colours. The style makes your feet look fat.

Still, I caved.

I am ashamed to admit it. But, I love my crocs. I refuse to wear them out of our apartment because of their hideousness. But they are sooooo comfortable. They are the most comfortable shoes I have ever owned.

If you have ever gone downhill skiing for a day, and, after wearing heavy ski boots for hours on end, put on your regular shoes and thought, wow, these shoes have never felt so light and comfortable, then you have an idea of how comfortable crocs can be.

So, no regrets about buying crocs. But I still don't want to be seen in public wearing them. Comfort is fine and good. But ugly shoes are ugly shoes!

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