Friday, September 21, 2007

Things I love about Fridays

  • Fridays are usually less work intensive at the office. Lots of visiting.
  • When I go home on Friday after work, I don't have to go back for two whole days.
  • Friday starts with an 'F'. None of the other days start with an 'F'.
  • Sometimes I go home a little early, especially if I've put in some extra time during the rest of the week. Going home early is a lovely treat!
  • I don't have to make a bag lunch on Friday night.
  • Sometimes I spend the last hour of my workday just organizing my desk. Trust me, it needs at least an hour.
  • I never do homework on Friday nights.
  • Sometimes we go out for drinks after work with some of my hubby's fellow interns. They're a great bunch o' people.
  • I never actually fully wake up on Friday morning, so my whole day tends to be a pleasant blur of relative inaction.

1 comment:

mariaborito said...

how is your friday going this week? enjoyable read…your blog that is!