2007 seems like an okay year so far, except for the cold weather. But every year starts out with really cold weather so perhaps I shouldn't let it colour my expectations for the rest of the year.
It's almost February, so most people will have had time by now to make and break most of their new year's resolutions. I, for one, refuse to make any new year's resolutions in the first place. Why cram all my failure into the first month or 2 of the year when I can make resolutions all year round and subsequently spread my failure to live up to those resolutions throughout the entire span of the year?
Besides, I'm already half-heartedly going to the gym 2-3 times a week (and am waiting for everyone to drop out on their exercise resolution so I can get back on the good gym equipment). I already try to eat healthy food more often than I eat junk food.
What's left to resolve?
I don't really want to be a nicer person. I'm happy with my procrastination habits. I feel no need to drink less alcohol (I don't drink that much to begin with). I don't need a better social life or a new group of friends. My house is clean enough as it is.
I think the whole new year's resolution thing is just a scam to make us think our lives aren't good enough as they are and to make us feel guilty about not trying harder.
So, I resolve to not change anything significant about my life. I resolve to keep on doing what I'm doing. I resolve to be as content as I feel like being on any given day. And, I resolve to forget about my resolutions so that I have no way of determining whether I've accomplished them or not, because it's really not all that important anyway.
What do you think? Any new, new year's resolutions coming to mind?
sounds good to me!
My sentiments exactly.
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