I'm not usually fond of winter. Well, to tell the truth, most of the time I really hate it. I hate being cold and miserable every time I step outside. I hate having to wear multiple layers of everything just to leave the house. I hate having my glasses fog over every time I go back inside. I hate going to work before the sun comes up and going home after sunset - and not because I'm working overtime. Oh, and I also hate static, my pants stick to my legs and my hair floats around my head like some kind of a wierd science experiment.
However, there are those moments (few and far between) when I'm struck by a sudden appreciation for something wintery. Like the morning I stepped outside and was greeted by trees and shrubs adorned in delicate frost. Absolutely breathtaking!
Then my glasses fogged up because of the way my breath escaped the layers of scarf wrapped around my head and the beauty of the moment was completely and utterly lost!
I have considered that I may have to curb my complaints about winter. Or at least pace myself since I can expect to endure at least 4-5 more months of it. But at the moment, it's hard not to cringe at the thought that winter is just beginning and summer is as far away as it can possibly get.
Maybe I should try to temper my complaints with some positive things about winter. Ummmm, let's see here... oh, i know, you can eat as much as you want, because with all of those extra layers you have to wear, nobody's going to notice a few extra pounds!
On that note, I'm feeling a little snackish, cookies perhaps?
hey robin! 'tis wonderful to be reading your quirky thoughts! i'm so glad you decided to join us:)
i am already inspired by your humour. must be entertained by life more often! thanks for writing:)
Hey Robin :)
So lovely to hear from you and I'll do my bestest to check back here fairly regularly.
I miss our couch chats - so this'll have to do me for now.
Luv, me
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