We arrived in Victoria on the ferry from Port Angelus (USA) on the 19th (I think it was the 19th but I don't have the date memorized). Regardless... we spent a full week without any furniture except for lawnchairs and 2 plastic bins. I don't recommend living without furniture.

Grandma and Grandpa Dirks stayed with us from our arrival on the Saturday until that next Thursday. We had been hoping for our stuff to arrive while they were around so they could distract the kids while we unpacked. Alas, this was not to be. So Erick and I frantically unpacked during naptimes and after Kian's bedtime. I also do not recommend doing this if it is at all possible to avoid!

In the week with my parents around and the following week (Erick hadn't started classes yet) we tried to explore as much of Victoria as possible. We visited numerous playgrounds and parks. The photo of Kian above is from the Carnarvon water pad... a great free option for a hot day!

We also visited the Beacon Hill Park children's farm. It is a small petting zoo in Beacon Hill Park. The park also has a water spray pad, a great playground, numerous duck ponds and walking paths, and a cricket field.

Some other spots we've visited are the Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre, Gyro Park (which is quite close to us and has a beach area, Cattle Point Park, and a few other parks whose name's escape me at the moment!
So far the weather has been phenomenal. We have been here 3 weeks now and today is the first day we've had rain.
We occasionally go for a 'Bunny Walk' in the evening. The campus is overrun with bunnies and Kian gets very excited to see them.
I've spent many mornings over at the family centre during their drop in times. I've also spent a few mornings over at the YMCA (they have drop in child care for 1.5 hours when you come to work out).
Erick has just finished a week of classes and I've finished my first week home with 2 little ones. I think it will take Kian a little while to adjust to all of the changes...
So far so good!