My little cutie pie is 7 months old now. My how time flies! He can sit up on his own now and he is desperately trying to crawl (and very frustrated because he can only go backwards right now.)
I have only 2.5 more months before I'm scheduled to go back to work. At this point, I have no confirmed childcare. I'm starting to get a little concerned about that.
So... I have started contacting home daycares. I have also put an ad on Kijiji looking for some stay at home mom who wants to take in another child. I've had a couple of responses to that one. A few are totally out of the question (completely wrong end of town), but there are a couple that look promising. I'm following up with them to see what they are like. Fun times!
My thesis is moving again at long last! The email request for participants went out on Friday. Now on Sunday afternoon, I already have 12 willing participants. I only really need 20 of them, so 8 more to go and the rest are icing on the thesis cake!
Now I need to start sending out my questionnaires.
On another note... K just got his first tooth. It wasn't too bad, he only got up 3 times that night after being up until midnight.
Our little darling is growing so fast and learning so much! He's sitting on his own for a few seconds at a time. He's hopping away in his jolly jumper (at the moment not very happily). He rolls all over the place. I know that in just a blink of an eye he'll be running around the apartment getting into all the things we haven't thought of putting away.
Sigh, three months until I have to get back to work.