I got sucked in. I didn't want to do it, but after so many invites I started to feel bad about deleting them all. So I signed up for Facebook. It's rather pointless though. I'm never signed in. I refuse to use it to respond to emails. I don't want to respond to things on my 'wall' because I'm not sure how i feel about everyone being able to read everything that is there.
I have selected the highest level of security and won't allow my contact information to be shown to anyone but my friends. I am a little concerned about the lack of privacy on facebook. I've heard the horror stories of people's lives being 'ruined', usually by a bunch of unrestrained, viciously petty children. I would advise everyone to avoid them.
On the other hand, it has been cool to find out where some of my 'long lost's' are these days. I do like to check in to see what they are doing in life. Not that I have time to keep in touch even though i now know where they are and how to contact them.
Sadly, Facebook makes me feel old and cranky. Whatever happened to the good ol' days of chatting on msn, sending emails, and blogging. I suppose change is inevitable and I should just accept it. But I refuse to give up my email, my msn, or my blog. Take that all of you Facebook junkies!